PROFALCAM et le Royaume Bamoun unissent leurs forces

PROFALCAM et le Royaume Bamoun unissent leurs forces

PROFALCAM et le Royaume Bamoun unissent leurs forces Le Sultan Roi des Bamouns vient de mettre à la disposition 1000 hectares sous la coordination de PROFALCAM pour révolutionner l’agriculture Le Royaume Bamoun a fait un don exceptionnel de 1000 hectares de terres agricoles situés dans la localité de Foumbot, dans le département du Noun, entièrement placés sous la coordination de la Plateforme de Promotion des Farines Locales au Cameroun (PROFALCAM). Ce partenariat, signé pour une durée de 25 ans renouvelables, vise à dynamiser la production locale de farine, favoriser l’inclusion économique des agriculteurs et renforcer la sécurité alimentaire du Cameroun. Un projet ancré dans l’inclusion et le développement durable Ce projet novateur repose sur une répartition stratégique des terres : 900 hectares attribués aux populations locales et nationales, offrant ainsi…
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La PROFALCAM, acteur clé du projet du PNUD pour la résilience économique au Cameroun

La PROFALCAM, acteur clé du projet du PNUD pour la résilience économique au Cameroun

La PROFALCAM, acteur clé du projet du PNUD pour la résilience économique au Cameroun Le MINEPAT, à travers le PAREC, a choisi la PROFALCAM pour mettre en œuvre un projet financé par le PNUD. Dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur de la résilience économique, le Ministère de l’Économie, de la Planification et de l'Aménagement du Territoire (MINEPAT), à travers le Programme d’Appui à la Résilience Économique du Cameroun (PAREC), a choisi la Plateforme des Promoteurs des Farines Locales du Cameroun (PROFALCAM) pour la mise en œuvre d'un projet phare financé par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD). Ce projet vise à renforcer la résilience des producteurs locaux de farine et à soutenir les acteurs de la filière dans le cadre d’un développement économique durable. Une…
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PRESENTATION OF THE ECONOMIC RESILIENCE SUPPORT PROJECT (PAREC) The workshop of October 2024 at Mbalmayo chaired by PAREC and actors preselected with the support of PROFALCAM was a great success. Over 50 actors (production, transformation and distribution) responded to this invitation. The objectives of the workshop were as follows; ➤ Develop inclusive value chains in the agropastoral and circular economy fields,➤ Improve access to markets for “Made in Cameroon” products,➤ Improve the prevention and management of shocks affecting the supply and demand of mass consumer products COMPONENTS ➤ Strengthening the technical and operational capacities of economic actors (companies, cooperatives, GICs, etc.) for the development of agro-pastoral value chains and the circular economy, ➤ Strengthening the technical and operational capacities of regional, national and local actors to improve access to markets for…
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H.E President Paul Biya in his end of year speech to the nation took firm stands as to his intentions of developing the youths of Cameroon and particularly in the agricultural industry. In the 2024 to 2026 integral development plan for the nation, the Cameroon Government has offered grants to the youths in the agropastoral industry worth two billion seven hundred and fifty million francs through MINADER and Five billion Francs through PROFALCAM a private operator in the production of locally made flour. Within the context of an integrated plan for Import-substitution for this period, the government interns to reduce the quantity of imported flour and encourage the consumption of locally produced flour made out of plantain, cassava and sweet potatoes. The first category of grants is dedicated to the…
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2023 End of Year Message of the President of the Executive Board of PROFALCAM

2023 End of Year Message of the President of the Executive Board of PROFALCAM

Dear members of PROFALCAM, ladies and gentlemen, `I wish to send to you this message at the moment when we are closing the last pages of the year 2023, a year that constitutes without any doubt a memorable and remarkable phase of thelife of this important innovation enterprise PROFALCAM. Dear members, ladies andgentlemen, on the 24th August 2022, a long 5 years dream came to life with thecreation of the Platform of the Promoters of Local Flour in Cameroon (PROFALCAM).Following 2 days of intensive discussions and work about 100 delegates from the10 regions of Cameroon put in place an Executive Bureau comprise of 20 electedmembers and among whom you elected me unanimously as president. Born in the heat of the Russo-Ukraniancrisis which witnessed the scarcity of some imported produce among…
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PROFALCAM: Youth Employment at the heart of a staff-training Workshop

PROFALCAM: Youth Employment at the heart of a staff-training Workshop

The seminar took place on Friday 6 October at the headquarters of the Plateforme des Promoters des Farines Locales au Cameroun (PROFALCAM) in Cité de la Paix. PROFALCAM's aim is to understand and integrate the strategy for young people into its action plan. This was the raison d'être of the training workshop that brought together the staff of the Plateforme des Promoteurs des Farines Locales au Cameroun (PROFALCAM) on 6 October. It must be said that this seminar was aimed particularly at the coordinators of the platform's zonal representations. Having come from all regions of the country, the coordinators and their accompanying staff left with a clear idea of the policy that PROFALCAM has in mind for young people. The platform aims to lift young people in the country's rural…
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PROFALCAM reçoit la visite de l’équipe de l’émission « Planète Verte »

PROFALCAM reçoit la visite de l’équipe de l’émission « Planète Verte »

Les journalistes de ce programme diffusé sur la Chaine Canal 2 International ont visité les nouveaux locaux de la plateforme le vendredi 29 septembre dernier. Il était 15 heures 03 minutes lorsque Jacques Donsu et Patricia Matanga ont passé la porte des locaux du siège de la Plateforme des Promoteurs des Farines Loca les au Cameroun (PROFALCAM). L’équipe restreinte de l’émission hebdomadaire diffusée sur les antennes de la chaine camerounaise Canal 2 Internationale est venue en repérage. En effet, elle travaille sur une émission prochaine qui portera sur les farines locales. Cependant, cette visite a été l’occasion pour les deux partie d’envisager des pistes de partenariats possible qui peuvent les liés dans le futur. Cette idée émisse par le Jacques a trouvé un écho favorable auprès des officiels de PROFALCAM.…
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Support: PROFALCAM at the bedside of MOMO’s young people

Support: PROFALCAM at the bedside of MOMO’s young people

The platform is working to help the Mustard Seed Production Common Initiative Group achieve its objectives. A total of 20 young people make up the Mustard Seed Production Common Initiative Group. The group, whose Executive Board is made up of 6 members, carries out its activities in the locality of Bessi Fomukong, in the Mbengwi district of the MOMO department. In fact, all the members come from this department of the North-West region. The main objective of this youth group is to improve the living conditions of its members by producing cassava cuttings. To achieve their goal, the group has rented land (7 hectares) from the Development Committee of the village where their activities take place. The rent is CFAF 30,000 per hectare per year. Of the seven hectares leased,…
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Public-private partnership: the government and PROFALCAM discuss support measures

Public-private partnership: the government and PROFALCAM discuss support measures

On Thursday July 13, a meeting was held between various ministerial departments and the Platform of the Promotion of Local Flour (PROFALCAM), at Immeuble Rose. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the various ways in which the Cameroonian government intends to support PROFALCAM. This was the objective of the meeting held on July 13, 2023 on the premises of the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT). The meeting, chaired by the Director General of Planning and Regional Development, Zoutene Doufene, was attended by representatives from several ministerial departments, including MINFI (Ministry of Finance), MINDCAF (Ministry of Domains, Cadastre and Land Affairs), MINRESI (Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation), MINMIDT (Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development), and MinCommerce (Ministry of Trade). On the PROFALCAM side,…
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