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Adama Abba

I’m a farmer, a Vegetable, Seed and Food Producer”. This is how PROFALCAM‘s Vice-President N°2, Adama Abba, describes herself. It’s a description that speaks volumes about her love for agriculture. It was in her youth that she met the love of her life till date. Cultivating sorghum gives her happiness.

She spends her time between her three children, her home, her fields and the many organizations of which she is a board member. Adama Abba is the treasurer of the Plateforme Régionale des Organisations des Producteurs Agrosylvopastorales de l’Adamaoua (PLANOPAC/AD). She is also the Delegate of the Fédération Régionale des Acteurs Semenciers de l’Adamawa (FASA) and the Delegate of the Confédération des Opérateurs Semenciers des Régions Septentrionales (COSERES).

In addition, she chairs the Wisemen’s Council at the Garoua Agropastoral Professionalization Support Center (CRPA), the Board of Directors of the Société Coopérative des Producteurs de Maïs de l’Adamaoua (SOCOMAD), and is vice-president of the Coordination Nationale des Usagers/Usagères du bassin du Niger partie Camerounaise (CNUC). Other activities to the credit of this Adamaoua native include Head of the WOMEN UP AFRICA program, and elected member of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry (CAPEF). We can therefore say without doubt that Adama Abba has a very fulfilled life.

Click here to view the President’s Message to Members

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