The Platform of Local Flour Promoters in Cameroon (PROFALCAM) is a public-private association that networks the different actors of the local flour value chain. It was created on August 23, 2022, at the end of a constitutive General Assembly chaired by the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey. PROFALCAM is thus a support mechanism for the Cameroonian Government in the implementation of the National Strategy for the substitution of imports of mass consumer products and the promotion of exports. Development 2020-2030 (SND 30), specifically with regard to…
Our Vision
The vision of the Platform is to produce Cameroonian flour:
- Good quality,
- Competitive,
- Cost-effective and sustainable, to meet national needs
- And build up a safety stock with the opportunity to export surplus production to other countries.
Overall Objectives
The overall objective is to make flour production a highly remunerative activity for the actors in its value chain, capable of effectively contributing to ensuring food security, creating jobs and fighting poverty in Cameroon.
Strategic Axes
- Facilitating access to seeds
- Reduced post-harvest losses
- Promotion of medium and large farms
- Development of ‘plantation clusters’
- Improvement of the institutional and regulatory framework
Expected Results
- The creation of more than 100,000 new decent jobs;
- Improvement of the trade balance;
- Strengthening social stability;
- The development of the industrial fabric;
- Strengthening the skills of promoters
- Reduction of rural exodus;
- Strengthening food security, the dignity of the State and food independence